What is Technical Analysis?
It’s the best tool to predict the market direction. Technical analyst believe that price trend directionally e.g. up, down, sideways the basis definition of price trend was originally put forward by Dow theory in technical terms.
Technical analysis is a menans of examining and predicting price movement in the financial markets by using historical price chart and market statistics. It is based on the idea that if the trader can identify previous market patterns, they can form a fairly accurate prediction of futures price. Technical analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume unlike fundamentals analysis which attempts to evaluate security value based on business result such as sales and earnings.
Technical analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume unlike fundamentals analysis which attempts to evaluate security value based on business result such as sales and earnings. It is focused on the studies of price and volume and its tools are used for identifying the demand and supply for the securities. It’s very important tool for intraday trading short term trading.
“Technical analysis shows you when to buy. Fundamental analysis shows you what to buy”
Below are it’s patterns:
Price List
Head & Shoulders
Trend Line
Break Out
Break Down
Wedge Formation
Triangle Formation
“We have choice of doctor but not the medicine”
The above quote is only to understand that we have choices of stocks but not technical, only because of technical analysis we can decide to buy or sell
Below are the topics we get covered for Technical Analysis, register now to get it started.
Sr. no. | Technical Analysis |
1. | Line chart |
2. | Bar chart |
3. | Candlesticks chart |
4. | Patterns |
5. | Moving average |
6. | Demand zone |
7. | Supply zone |
8. | Swing trading |
9. | Intraday trading |
10. | RSI |
11. | Macd |
12. | Trade line |
13. | Support & resistance |
14. | Head & shoulder |
15. | Double top double bottom |
16. | Type of gapes |
17. | Common gap |
18. | Oscilatiors and indicators etc. |